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Our mission is to improve outcomes for cancer patients through the use of the body's own immune system.

Immunotherapy offers the possibility of treating cancer with fewer side effects.


Our Goal

Our Team

Immunotherapy for cancer is the process by which we help the immune system see a tumor as something harmful that should be destroyed. There are many different kinds of immunotherapy, but we advocate strategies that are very specific, eradicating the tumor without hurting any other part of the patient.

Our goal is to focus research and clinical efforts on novel cancer treatments that may be applicable to poor prognosis pediatric brain cancers. Treatment options for these patients are often non-existent and limited to clinical trials. Government and foundation funding for these type of trials is limited and highly competitive, which is why we need your help.

Our team is comprised of experts from leading US cancer treatment and research institutions. Through our collaborative approach we bring together leaders in many disciplines to develop innovative and effective cancer treatment strategies that utilize the power of the human immune system.

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